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COVID-19 Statement

Last updated: 11th January 2021

At IES, supporting customers has always been our key ethos and whilst the COVID-19 situation brings lots of uncertainty to the business environment, we want to reassure all our customers that we are pro-actively maintaining a responsible and common-sense approach to business as usual.

Our crate making and other services remain operational and we are still carrying out site-work, following all the necessary hygiene, social distancing and COVID-secure guidance provided by the government.   Our procedures are regularly reviewed and adapted for compliance in accordance with the various measures introduced across England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland as the UK navigates its way through the ever-changing COVID-19 environment.

We are rigorously risk assessing and monitoring our teams & activities to ensure they are robust in mitigating the risks & challenges we face.

We have comprehensive plans in place to minimise transmission risks and to protect our employees.

We are liaising closely with our supply-chain to ensure continuance of supply and have taken the decision to increase our stock levels as part of our continuity planning.

Thanks to our cloud-based IT systems, we are able to increase homeworking and have established creative solutions to assist customers remotely where normal site visits have encountered disruption.

We continue to monitor the situation and adapt our continuity planning accordingly. Through flexibility, partnership and communication we can continue to offer an effective service to our customers in the weeks and, potentially, months ahead.

View IES COVID-19 Management Risk Assessment

For more information or if you have any questions regarding this matter, please call us on 0117 916 3688, or email us and we’ll get back to you.

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